Wednesday, April 22, 2009

You Can Learn Hypnosis!

I just wanted to put this up for anybody out there who's interested in learning Conversational Hypnosis. I have spent a lot of time in the last year reading up on both general hypnosis and conversational hypnosis on my own, and I eventually came across this course -- The Power Of Conversational Hypnosis -- and I thought, "Wow, this is great! I wish I'd had this when I started out."

It’s taught by world-class Hypnotherapist and Hypnosis trainer Igor Ledochowski, who has worked with Fortune 500 companies, teaches at the London College Of Clinical Hypnosis and is a best-selling author in the field of hypnosis training. During his own early training, Ledochowski spent time with Milton Erickson, who is pretty much unanimously acknowledged to be the genius hypnotherapist of all time.

The great thing about this whole approach is: It's Conversational Hypnosis! You don't have to sit somebody down and get the person to close their eyes and go through a whole routine in order to hypnotize them. I have learned to do this with people in the normal course of conversation, and just by observing the person, knowing which words and word combinations to use, knowing when to say what, I can reliably steer them in the direction I want them to go.

If you’re in sales, Conversational Hypnosis is the Mother Lode. These language patterns, combined with an understanding of how people hear things and how the subconscious processes information, will put you in the driver’s seat in any sales interaction. You’ll be able to slip right through a potential customer’s resistance and get them to hear your message. If it’s a good fit for them, you’ll know how to comfortably and easily close the deal without stress. If it’s not a good fit, you’ll be able to see it before you’ve spent a huge amount of time on a conversation that’s not going to result in a sale.

If you’re looking to meet the girl of your dreams, Conversational Hypnosis rocks! You’ll be able to establish rapport with a woman in a matter of moments, and pick up the unconscious cues from her that tell you how to steer the conversation. This is Svengali stuff, but there’s nothing creepy about it – just you being charming and saying the right thing at the right moment.

If you ever negotiate during the course of your work day, Conversational Hypnosis is a God-send. Understanding how to couch your desired outcome in terms that the other person not only can accept, but actually WANTS to accept, is an extraordinary ability that will serve you well. Conversational Hypnosis makes you a master of reframing, the art of changing your listener’s perspective so that he sees that he actually wants what you want.

This is a very well designed program. Ledochowski breaks it all down into simple elements that are easy to understand, so you can master one thing at a time and keep on building on your skills. It’s not just a lot of theory that makes you wonder what to actually do with it. He gives you real, concrete things to practice so you can keep developing your ability.

I personally am not all that crazy about thinking of Conversational Hypnosis as covertly controlling people, which is the tack the website takes, because I think that puts a negative spin on it. Probably the guys who wrote the marketing campaign figured that’s what people would respond to, but if you look at the testimonials on the right hand side of the web page, you’ll see that these are lots of people who either need good communications skills in their job, to help people work together and be more productive, or folks whose work is helping kids, or coaching people in their businesses, stuff like that.

Anyway, I have no problem recommending this course since, like any tool, hypnosis is neutral and it’s up to you and your sense of ethics as to how you use it. And plus, as a bonus, they're giving away valuable free material for nothing, just for visiting their site.

So take advantage of this really excellent offer now, because they don’t guarantee it will be available for very long . . .

1 comment:

  1. Hypnosis is a fantastic way to harness powerful messages that can change the way we do things. With converstional hypnosis, I can learn to access my subconscious mind in a quick and easy way, and use it wherever I am. A free intro sounds great! I think I'll try it.
